User's Manual

20-496 Owners Manual Draft Page 30/78
1. Select a channel within the desired channel storage bank by pressing MAN and entering the channel
storage bank number (000 for bank 0 or 200 for bank 2, for example). Press MAN again.
2. Press PROG.
3. Press FUNC, and then 7. The cursor appears at the third line of the display. Enter the text using the
keypad. (See “Text Input Chart”). Use ^, v, or CLEAR to edit your entry, or press and hold CLEAR to abort
the text entry.
4. Press ENT to store the text with the bank.
Text Input Chart
Press Character Press Character
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
2 A B C 2 FUNC a b c
3 D E F 3 FUNC d e f
4 G H I 4 FUNC g h i
5 J K L 5 FUNC j k l
6 M N O 6 FUNC m n o
7 P Q R S 7 FUNC p q r s
8 T U V 8 FUNC t u v
9 W X Y Z 9 FUNC w x y z
0 . - # _ @ + * & / , 0 FUNC $ % ! ^ ( ) ? -> ‘ <-
./DELAY Space CLEAR Backspace
. To enter a number, press 1, then press the desired number you want to enter.
. To enter a lowercase character or a character from the second set for the key 0, press FUNC after
pressing the first numeral key.
Turning on the Scanner and Setting Squelch
1. To turn on the scanner, turn VOL (volume) clockwise. DSP loading message and Welcome To Digital
Trunking appears in the display. After about 5 seconds, you might hear a rushing sound. Then adjust VOL
to a comfortable level.
2. Turn SQ (squelch) fully counterclockwise until the indicator points to OFF, then turn SQ clockwise until