Installation Guide

GenStone Products are designed to be applied to any at
structural substrate that is clean and free of debris. The positive
shiplap edge (red below) always goes on the bottom. Stagger
the connections throughout the wall to avoid visible seams.
Working from left to right, measure from the positive shiplap edge of the previous panel, corner or nished edge and
mark your cut on the at (back) side of the panel. Use a straight edge and marker to draw a cut line you can follow with
your hand or power saw.
Circular Saw Panel at (back) side up, be sure to protect the face (front) of the panel
Table or Miter Saw Place the panel front side up before running it through the saw
Hand Saw
Place the panel at side up, protect the face of the panel while cutting
Small Cuts When making precise cuts to account for hose bibs, electrical boxes, electrical outlets and
other installation obstacles, we recommend using a hand saw, utility knife, drywall saw or
jig saw. Sandpaper or a rasp can be used to le a small area to size after making the cuts.
The manufacturing process can leave strands of foam on the face and at the edge of the panels. These are easily
removed by hand or corrected by trimming with a utility knife or sanding.
Tips for Success
Let your panels acclimate for 48 hours
Wait for a days of consecutive moderate temps
Always paint exposed raw material left by cuts
Snap a chalk line, do not level with the ground