Product Manual

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Copyright © 2013 GenTent Safety Canopies, LLCAll Rights Reserved V5 July, 2013
Package Contents
This package includes everything required to install the GenTent model that you have
purchased on your portable generator:
If you purchased a GenTent 10K (product code begins with GT10K):
1 Product and Safety Manual
1 GenTent™ 10k Canopy or 1 GenTent™ 20k Canopy
1 Short side Electrical Skirt
1 Long side Electrical Skirt
1 Central Connector with vent rod
4 Fiberglass frame rods
4 GenTent Clamp main body
4 GenTent Clamp rubber sleeves for 1” and 1 ¼” round tube frames
4 Self-locking GenTent Clamp knobs
4 GenTent clamp knob washers
4 Stainless steel ¼-20 x 1.25” carriage bolts
4 GenTent Clamp telescoping rod (note: may be pre-assembled with Clamp body)
4 Stainless steel Telescoping rod set pins
8 GenTent clamp rubber pads for 1” and 1.5” round tubular frames
If you purchased a GenTent 20K (product code begins with GT20K):
1 Product and Safety Manual
1 GenTent™ 20k Canopy
1 Short side Electrical Skirt stacking clear vinyl
1 Long side Electrical Skirt stacking clear vinyl
1 Central Connector with vent rod
4 Fiberglass frame rods
4 GenTent Clamp main body
4 GenTent Clamp rubber adapter for 1” and 1 ¼” round tube frames
4 Self-locking GenTent Clamp knobs
4 GenTent clamp knob washers
4 Stainless steel ¼-20 x 1.25” carriage bolts
4 GenTent Clamp telescoping rod (note: may be pre-assembled with Clamp body)
4 Stainless steel Telescoping rod set pins
8 GenTent clamp rubber pads for 1” and 1.5” round tubular frames
Optional Accessories and Adapter Kits
Your kit may include an optional frame extender or frame adaptation kit. Please see
separate instructions for these items. Frame extension or adaptation must be
completed prior to installing the GenTent