Product Manual

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Copyright © 2013 GenTent Safety Canopies, LLCAll Rights Reserved V5 July, 2013
1a) Rubber Pad Installation (if required)
Test fit the pad into the clamp:
- The pad goes on the inside rounded
parts of the clamp opening as shown
- Orient the pad so that the long side
aligns with the height of the clamp
- Test fit the pad inside the clamp
opening as shown.
Peel and Stick the pad into the clamp:
- Peel the backing paper from the pad Take care when peeling the backing so the glue
does not come up with the paper backing. If this happens, restart the peeling at a
different corner.
- Orient the pad as in the test above and apply to the inside of the clamp.
- Repeat for the other side of the clamp.
- Repeat for each clamp requiring rubber pads