User's Manual

Figure 1: Approximate Learn Button Location
7. Firmly press and release the “learn” or “smart” button. (The name and color of the
button may vary by manufacturer.) There are typically 30 seconds to initiate step 6.
8. Return to the vehicle and firmly press, hold for two seconds and release the
programmed HomeLink button. Repeat the “press/hold/release” sequence a
second time, and, depending on the brand of the garage door opener (or other rolling
code equipped device), repeat this sequence a third time to complete the
programming process.
HomeLink should now activate your rolling code equipped device.
In the event that there are still programming difficulties or questions, additional
HomeLink information and programming videos can be found online at
, or by calling the toll-free help
line at 1-800-355-3515.
Gate Operator /
Canadian Programming
Canadian radio-frequency laws require transmitter signals to “time-out” (or quit) after
several seconds of transmission – which may not be long enough for HomeLink to pick
up the signal during programming. Similar to this Canadian law, some U.S. gate
operators are designed to “time-out” in the same manner.
If you live in Canada or you are having difficulties programming a gate operator or
garage door opener by using the “Programming” procedures, replace “Programming
HomeLink” step 2 with the following:
Note: If programming a garage door opener or gate operator, it is advised to unplug the device
during the “cycling” process to prevent possible overheating.
2. Continue to press and hold the HomeLink button while you press and release -
every two seconds (“cycle”) your hand-held transmitter until the HomeLink
indicator light changes from slowly blinking orange to either rapidly blinking green
HomeLink and the HomeLink House are registered trademarks of Gentex Corporation.