Operating Instructions

Appendix A Connecting the OTT SVR 100 to OTT netDL via the RS-485 interface
Connect the OTT SVR 100 using the physical, RS-485 interface (SDI-12 protocol
via physical RS-485 interface). Refer to Chapter 5.3 for the maximum cable length
and recommended wire cross-section.
" Connect the OTT SVR 100 to the OTT netDL IP data logger as shown in Figure
A1. Also refer to the OTT netDL operating manual.
Configuring OTT netDL for OTT SVR 100 with SDI-12 interface
" Conncect an OTT netDL channel with SDI-12 Master or
OTT SDI RS485 function block (register Serial sensors).
" Make the following settings:
Terminal blockOTT netDL OTT SDI RS485: C 1-2 (preset)
OTT netDL SDI-12 Master: C 3-4 (preset)
Terminal block (screw terminal block) on the OTT netDL,
to which the OTT SVR 100 is connected.
Slave address SDI-12 bus address. Each address may only be
assigned once on an SDI-12 bus line.
(For details of checking/setting, see OTT net DL operating
manual, Chapter SDI-12 Trans parent mode; alternative-
ly with OTT USB/SDI-12 interface)
Factory setting on OTT SVR 100: 0
RS-485 D+ (B)
RS-485 D– (A)
Signal GND
Connecting cable
431 2
+9 … +27 V
Fig. A1: Connecting OTT SVR 100
to OTT netDL via RS-485-interface
The letters above the screw terminal blocks
indicate the possible connections on the
OTT netDL.
Fig. A2: Set the operating parameters
for the OTT netDL SDI-12 Master
function block.
The OTT SDI RS485 function
block is set in the same way.