User Manual

Total Station Manual
3. Q-Survey
1. Notes i n the distance measurement
After the placement of instrumentand turned on the power, total
station is ready, can start measuring.
In measurement display, user can call the function of set key, the
functionkeys and hotkey.
The show is an example. Localized version may be slightly different.
The example of Q-Survey show:
F1-F4 Start the corresponding functions
Measurements to strongly reflecting targets such as to traffic
lights in Reflector EDM mode without prism should be avoided. The
measured distances may be wrong or inaccurate.
When a distance measurement is triggered, the EDM measures
to the object which is in the beam path at that moment.
If e.g. people, cars, animals, swaying branches, etc. cross the laser
beam while a measurement is being taken, a fraction of the laser beam is
reflected and may lead to incorrect distance values.
Avoid interrupting the measuring beam while taking reflectorless
measurements or measurements using reflective foils.
No Prism Ranging
Ensure that laster beam is not feflected by any object with high reflectivity and
close to the light path.