User's Manual

Quick Start Guide UtilityScan DF
Copyright © 2012 Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. 28
All Rights Reserved
Manage Files:
Data Path: Change the Data Path where you would like the data to be written or opened from.
Copy to USB Device: Copies the data from the Data Path to the USB device.
Move to USB Device: Copies the data from the Data Path AND DELETES those files from the ToughBook.
Delete Files: Delete files from the ToughBook.
Depth Scale
Depth: Display the Scale in distance units.
Time: Display the Scale in time units.
Depth Units: Select the unit of measurement for Depth or the vertical scale.
Ticks per Unit: Number of ticks for marking the data (short line).
Ticks per Major Unit: Number of ticks for each major unit (long line).