User Manual

Table Of Contents
Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. StructureScan™ Mini XT
MN 70-813 Rev C 6
Understanding the Mini XT Screen
5 If you haven’t already done so, pull trigger to begin collecting data and roll
the Mini XT across the concrete. The data image will be displayed in real time.
6 The project and file number will be displayed at the top-left corner of the screen. The Menu Carousel
will display different options depending on whether the Mini XT is adding new data to the screen or
using the Backup Cursor to review data already collection.
While adding new data, the menu carousel will have the following options:
New File: This will stop and save your current file and begin collecting a new one. The file number
in the top-left corner will advance by 1.
Mark: This will write a red-dashed user mark to the scan that is being written when the option is
pushed. This is useful to note the location of something you want to remember.
Close File: This will stop and save the current file and return you to the ScanEZ menu screen.
While using the Backup Cursor, the menu carousel will have the following options:
Auto Gain: This will adjust the screen brightness to either brighten up under-gained (weak) images
or dampen over-gained (saturated) images.
Save Image: This will store a screen shot as a PNG image format. Each image will have the same
name as the GPR data file. Multiple images of the same GPR file will have a letter tag added. For
example: FILE__056A, FILE__056B, etc.
Depth Scale
Backup Cursor
User Mark
Menu Carousel