User's Manual

Geophysical Technology Inc Field Equipment Page | 40
Charging Panel Use
See the cleaning section for instructions for cleaning the NRUs before charging.
The NRUs can be charged on the charging panel either individually or by 8 in the NRU Cases as
seen below in Figure 26.
Figure 26
Never use a charging cup that is damaged. Always inspect the charging cups before use.
When a shutdown NRU is plugged into a charging port, the LEDs will flash white once indicating
that the NRU has powered on.
The NRU LEDs will flash yellow during charging.
A Green flashing LED color will indicate that the NRU has surpassed ~90% charge and a top up
charging level is being applied until 100% is reached.
When the LEDS turn solid green, the NRU is finished charging. The 3 NRUs in figure 27 below
show green LEDs indicating full charge. Once removed from the charging cup, the NRU LEDs will
remain green for a short amount of time before turning off.
o Note: NRUs coming off charge are turned on. If the NRUs are going into storage, they
will need to be put into Shutdown mode. See NuSite manual Shutdown/Cannot
Shutdown section for directions to put an NRU in Shutdown. Or use NuScribe to run a
Shutdown sequence.
o If there is no LED activity from an NRU on charge, the charging cup should be checked to
ensure the springs are good and there is voltage. If the charging cup is good, the NRU
should be flagged for repair.
The charger ports should be monitored for a buildup of dirt and debris in the bottom of the
cups. Too much dirt or debris may keep the NRU from charging due to the debris obstructing
proper seating.
o Remove power from the panel
o Use compressed air, preferably with a line dryer, to blow out the charging panel cups.