Installation Instructions

Temperature monitoring is the most important instrument
for property operators to assess the state of a drinking water
installation and to reliably and quickly detect risks. In addi-
tion, those in charge can prove this way that all necessary
precautions for a hygienically impeccable cold and warm
water supply in the building have been taken.
The Hycleen Automation Master does not only log the tempe-
rature at all valves, but also provides pre-programmed
reports containing a clear overview of all readings. Thus,
even the non-specialist can easily interpret trends and react
immediately in case of deviations.
Logging the temperature
Depending on the desired accuracy, temperature readings
can be logged every 5, 15, 30 or 60 minutes.
Pre-programmed reports
The following reports are available:
Temperature for hydraulic alignment
Temperature for flushing
Thermal disinfection
Automatic flushing
Error message
The report period is adjustable: one day, one week or one
month. The data is evaluated for each individual valve and the
most important information is displayed in either a clear chart
or diagram. All reports can be exported in PDF and XML
formats. The information is given in three levels of detail.
All data can be exported.
Evaluation of temperature fluctuation and threshold temperature
Monitoring the threshold temperature
Level 3
Exact temperature profile
This illustration shows the exact temperature profile
at each valve and provides detailed information on
how to solve the problem, e.g. when the problem occurred.
Level 2
Level 1
Hydraulic alignment
Hycleen Automation System − Logging
Logging Data and
Creating Reports
number count
(how often
often over
time (hours)
3 5 4 4 2
12 1 1 0 0
15 10 24 0 0
22 8 2 0 0
Valve with outdoor temperatures