Installation Instructions

Old people‘s homes
Hygiene is very important in old people‘s homes because
their inhabitants are of older age and often immunocompro-
mised. That is why, safety of the drinking water is of central
importance. Retirement home operators are well advised to
pay special attention to hygiene in the drinking water instal-
lation in order to exclude health risks for their inhabitants as
far as possible.
In many hotels, rooms and tapping points are not perma-
nently in use. Especially in view of occasional vacancies, it is
advisable to pay particular attention to the hygiene in the
drinking water installations and to flush them regularly.
Highest drinking water quality is important, since hotels pro-
vide accommodation to people with diverse health condition
- an important point for operators in their eort to make all
guests feel comfortable.
Hospital hygiene must meet the highest standards. Safe and
hygienically impeccable water supply is crucial here. Drink-
ing water is in use everywhere - when washing your hands
before surgery, cleaning surgical instruments and hospital
equipment, providing catering services, up to cleaning the
hospital or doing the laundry.
You simply cannot do without hygienically impeccable water.
Rules of conduct in hospitals help combat the spread of in-
fections. The Hycleen Automation System ensures ecient
protection from contamination in the piping system, a sus-
tainable protection from infection and helps to prevent noso-
comial infections.