User Guide

Accessing GV-CS1320
4. Select Static IP address. Type the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Router/Gateway, Primary
DNS and Secondary DNS.
5. Click Apply. GV-CS1320 is now accessible by entering the assigned IP address on the
web browser.
1. If Dynamic IP Address or PPPoE is enabled, you need to know which IP address the
camera will get from the DHCP server or ISP to log in. If your camera in installed in a
LAN, use the GV-IP Device Utility to look up its current dynamic address. See
Checking the Dynamic IP Address, Chapter 2, GV-CS1320 Camera Access Controller
User’s Manual.
If your GV-CS1320 uses a public dynamic IP address, via PPPoE, use the Dynamic
DNS service to obtain a domain name linked to the camera’s changing IP address
first. For details on Dynamic DNS Server settings, see Advanced TCP/IP, Chapter 4,
GV-CS1320 Camera Access Controller User’s Manual.
2. If Dynamic IP Address and PPPoE is enabled and you cannot access the unit, you
may have to reset it to the factory default settings and then perform the network
settings again. Refer to section 7 to see how to restore to factory default settings.