User Manual

Administrator Mode
Camera Name: Type the camera name.
Font Size: Select the font size from 1x to 5x using the drop-down list.
Overlay with: Select one or more of the options below to be overlaid on the live view
and recorded videos. Use the drop-down list to select the display position.
Camera Name
System Time
[Watermark] Enable this option to watermark all recordings. The watermark allows you to
verify whether the recorded video has been tampered with. See 5.4 Verifying Watermark.
[Face Detection Setting]
Show a box around each detected face: Select this option to draw a box around each
detected face on the camera view.
Show face detection area: Show the face detection area on the camera view to
indicate the area where face detection is supported.
Sensitivity: Select a sensitivity level for face detection.
Enable card and face mode: Select this option to require a card to be presented and a
face to be detected before access is granted. The LED Indicator will flash red if the
camera reader controller fails to detect the face.
1. If face detection fails, the card will not be recognized by GV-CS1320.
2. When Card and Face mode is enabled, the cardholder should stand in front of GV-
CS1320 for at least 5 seconds to allow face detection before presenting the card.
3. When Night mode is enabled, the built-in IR LEDs may be automatically switched off at
the time of face detection for approximately 2 seconds whenever a card is swiped
through GV-CS1320.
[Special View Setting]
D/N: Sets the Day/Night mode of GV-CS1320.
Auto: Select Auto for the GV-CS1320 to detect the amount of light present and
automatically switch to monochrome in a poorly-lit scene. Use the drop-down list to
adjust the sensitivity level of light sensor from 1 to 5. The higher the value, the more
sensitive GV-CS1320 is to light.