User Manual

Table Of Contents
Short Message Service
10.5 Password Security
To prevent unauthorized users from changing your settings, set up an administrator password. To
apply the password security, follow these steps:
1. Click the Exit button (No. 6, Figure 10-1), and then select Change Password to set a password.
2. Click the Exit button, and select Logout Administrator to lock the SMS Server window.
3. When you want to log in, click the Exit button and select Login as Administrator. A valid
password is required.
10.6 SMS Notification
After setting up the SMS Server, you will need to connect the GV-System to the SMS Server, assign
mobile phones to receive SMS alert messages, and set up the types of events to send alert
10.6.1 Connecting GV-System to SMS Server
To connect the GV-System to the SMS Server, follow these steps:
1. On the main screen, click the Configure button (No. 14, Figure 1-2), select System Configure,
and select Send Alerts Approach Setup. This dialog box appears.
Figure 10-12 Send Alerts Approach Setup
2. Select Send Event Alerts, click the Arrow button and select the events to send alert notification.
3. Select Alternative Alert Approach to enable sending alerts by SMS messages.