User Manual

Table Of Contents
rvers in case of
nd or the third
. Note the
ch those of the
ry server. To set up the failover server, you can use the Export Account function in the Exit
Note: Once the primary Authentication Server is ready to resume the services, it is required to close
thentication Server so the connection from clients can move back to the primary.
Automatic Failover Support: You can configure another two Authentication Se
the primary Authentication Server failure. Once the primary server fails, the seco
server will take over the connection from clients and provide uninterrupted services
settings of Authorized ID and Authorized Password on the failover server must mat
the failover Au
[Security Setting]
Enhance network security: Enhances network security on Authentication
enable the option,
Server. Note after you
the client GV-System of version 7 or earlier cannot connect to the
Authentication Server.
White List: Click Edit to create a list of IP addresses allowed to connect to
Auto start service upon server startup: Starts automatically the service when Windows starts.
Notify when DVR disconnected from server: Notifies the Authentication Server with a pop-up
window when the GV-System and Authentication Server loss connection.
Enable IP
Authentication Server.
[Server Setting]