User Manual

Table Of Contents
Post Motion: Specifies the duration of the camera view remaining on
the monitoring window after motion stops.
Camera send by I/O trigger will monitor: Specifies the duration of
the camera view remaining on the monitoring window when an I/O
device is triggered.
To keep the camera view remaining on the monitoring window even
after the alarm is finished, click the right-arrow button, and uncheck
Latch Trigger. Then the camera view will remain on the monitoring
window for the specified time. For example, the alarm is triggered for
5 minutes and you set 10 minutes, which means the total display time
will be 15 minutes.
Monitor the camera sent by GV-Wiegand Capture: Specifies the
duration of the camera view remaining on the monitoring window
when the access control system, connected to GV-Video Server, is
triggered. For details, see Chapter 8 CMS Configurations in the
GV-Video Server User’s Manual.
Record the channel triggered by video analytics events: Sets the
total recording time for a video analytics event. The default length is
30 seconds. The valid range is 3 to 600 seconds.
Image Quality: Adjusts the video quality. Moving the slide bar to the
right side for the better quality and the bigger image size.
Enable Directdraw: Enables an enhanced image performance for
live video. To enhance coloring, click the right-arrow button, select
Use Colorful Mode and restart the Center V2 program to take it
Auto Run when Windows Starts: Automatically runs Center V2
when Windows starts.
Login SMS Server when Start Service: Automatically logs in SMS
Server when Center V2 starts. You will be prompted to type the IP
address, Port, ID and Password of the SMS server.