User Manual

Table Of Contents
2. Type a username. The username can be up to 16 characters. The username accepts “a
~ z”, “0~9”, and “-“, but does not accept space or “-“ as the first character.
3. Type a password. The password is case-sensitive and must be at least 6 characters.
Re-type the password for confirmation.
4. In the Word Verification section, type the code within the box. The Word Verification is
not case-sensitive.
5. Click the Send button. The following message appears.
Figure 9-3
Username: The username you registered. In this example, the username is “julia”.
Hostname: The hostname you created. Hostname is made by registered username
and “”. In this example, the hostname is “”. This will be
the domain name used to log into your server.
IP Address: Your server’s current IP address. This IP address is updated every 10
Note: The domain name .gvdip(xx).com may vary with xx from 01 to 99.