User Manual

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Remote Viewing
7.2.2 Server Settings
Figure 7-5
[Run GeoHTTP Server] Enable GeoVision HTTP server or use your own HTTP server. Command
Port is the port used to access WebCam, and Data Port is the port used to transfer data over Internet.
[Enable SSL] Enable the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to ensure the security and privacy of
Internet connection. To use your own generated Certificate and Private Key or ones verified by SSL
authority, click the […] buttons and select the files stored at your computer. Note that the system will
enable both SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0 as its default; to disable SSL 2.0 protocol when using SSL 3.0, select
Disable SSL2.0.
[Detect UPnP] For details, see UPnP Settings later in this chapter.
Note: If you want to enable SSL 3.0 on a computer running Windows Vista, it is required to upgrade
your system to Service Pack 1 or Service Pack 2.