Owner's Manual

DO NOT hold the food product with your hand. Never put your hand on
or around food chute when slicer is on. The food chute handle is the
only part of the slicer you should touch while slicing.
1. With slicer off, pull the food chute completely toward you and place the product on the food
chute. Slice only boneless unfrozen product with the slicer. Use the end weight to hold the
food product in place. If the end weight is not needed, it may be stored out of the way by
swing it forward behind the food chute and locking it on the retaining slot.
2. Make sure all knobs are tightened prior to using the slicer.
3. Make sure the Auto Engage Lever is in the “MANUAL” position. (Automatic units only)
4. Rotate the slice thickness dial counterclockwise to desired slice thickness. After slicing is
complete, always turn slice thickness dial completely clockwise to close slicer table.
5. Turn slicer on by pressing the on/off switch button. The power indicator light will illuminate.
6. Use the food chute handle to manually push the food chute back and forth. The food chute
handle is the only part of the slicer you should touch while slicing. Do not catch slices with
your hand. Let slices drop on paper covered receiving area.
7. After the last slice stroke, pull food chute all the way toward you and turn the slicer off by
pressing the on/off switch button. The power indicator light will go out. Always turn slice
thickness dial completely clockwise to close the slicer table.
8. Now you can remove the product from the food chute.
Automatic slicer can be used manually when desired.
When manually operating an automatic slicer, the auto
engage lever MUST be in the “MANUAL” position before
turning the slicer “ON” (Fig 7-1). The lever should not be
moved out of the “MANUAL” position at any time during
use. Turn the slicer on by pressing the start button.
If a product needs to be adjusted during slicing, turn off the slicer.
Pull the food chute all the way towards you and close slicer thickness
table prior to adjusting the product and the end weight.
ALWAYS make sure the auto engage
lever is in the “MANUAL” position
before turning slicer “ON”.
Fig 7-1