User Manual

Acronyms and definitions
Rev 1.2 Apr-05 Proprietary and confidential 37
Acronyms and definitions
Table 6: Acronyms and definitions
Acronym or term Definition
ADC Analog to Digital Converter
AGC Automatic Gain Control
Bi-directional Microphone with lower sensitivity along the circumference of the housing, higher
sensitivity towards the front and rear sections of the housing.
Call Box Base Station Simulator - Agilent E8285A or 8960, Rohde & Schwarz CMU200
Cellular 800MHz radio spectrum air interface
dB Decibel = 10 x log
(P1/P2) (Power dB)
Decibel = 20 x log
(V1/V2) (Voltage dB)
dBm Decibels, relative to 1 mW - Decibel(mW) = 10 x log
(Pwr (mW)/1mW)
dBSPL Decibel unit of acoustic sound pressure - 20 x log (sound pressure in Pa / 20E-6
dBV Decibels, relative to 1 Volt - Decibel(V) = 20 x log
Directivity Sensitivity as a function of sound wave inflection angle
DUT Device Under Test
Electret Device that translates air pressure changes into electrical signals
EM Embedded Module
ESD ElectroStatic Discharge
EVRC Enhanced Variable Rate Coder – an 8kbs codec compression technique
FER Frame Error Rate – a measure of receive sensitivity
FIR Finite Impulse Response – a form of digital filter
GPIB General Purpose Interface Bus – IEEE std protocol for test equip
GPS Global Positioning System
IS-95 2G radio standards targeted for voice (cdmaONE)
IS-2000 3G radio standards for voice and data-centric use
LDO Low Drop Out – refers to linear regulator
LSB Least Significant Bit
MHz MegaHertz = 1e6 Hertz (Hertz = 1/second)
MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface – musical note standard interface
MIO Module Input/Output
Modem Modulator – demodulator (the EM)