User's Manual

list. For example, on the WiFi connection utility main window, click Profiles to open the Profiles list. Select the
profile and click Connect.
The application failed to start
The application that you specified to start when this profile connected, could not be found. Verify the path and
file name in the Profile Wizard
Advanced Settings.
To verify the path and file name:
1. From the WiFi connection utility main window, click Profiles.
2. Select the Profile.
3. Click Properties.
4. Click
5. Click Application Auto Launch.
6. Click Enable Application Auto Launch. Verify that the file name and file location path are correct.
7. Click OK to close the Advanced Settings.
8. Click OK to close the General Settings and return to the Profiles list.
No certificate found
This error may occur if a machine certificate or a user certificate was not found in the relevant certificate store.
To resolve, perform the following steps:
1. Verify that a valid machine or user certificate is present in the machine or user certificate store,
depending on the type of profile you are using.
2. If a valid certificate is not present in the store, request a valid machine or user certificate from the
domain's Certificate Authority. Note that the computer needs to be joined to a domain in order to be
eligible to get a machine certificate from the domain's Certificate Authority.
3. Contact your Administrator for assistance.
Authentication failed due to invalid user name: Reenter user name
This authentication error can be caused by an invalid user name when using TTLS, PEAP, LEAP, EAP-SIM, or EAP-
AKA profiles.
Use the following steps to resolve this error:
1. Select the appropriate profile from the Profiles list.
2. Click Properties.
3. Click Next.
4. Select the appropriate 802.1X Authentication Type.
For TTLS and PEAP profiles: Select Use the following for User Credentials.
Verify the User Name information.
If Use Windows logon or Prompt each time I connect is selected, verify that the correct
user credentials information is used when you connect to the wireless network. NOTE: This
option is only available if you have the Single Sign On Pre-logon Connect component installed.
For LEAP profiles: Select Use the following user name and password and verify the user name