User's Manual

your Administrator. If so, some settings will be grayed out.
Settings Command
The Settings command lets you access various settings that govern wireless event logging. This command
invokes a window with three tabs:
General Tab
Log File Deletion Tab
Driver Log Tab
General Tab
The General tab lets you access the following settings:
Setting Description
Enable Wireless Event Logging.
Click (turn on) to enable wireless event logging. This must be checked
for wireless event logging to occur. If this is turned off, then all other
Wireless Event Settings in this window will be inactive.
Specify the folder to write the
wireless log file to:
Specify an absolute location on your system to write the log file to. This
path may only be up to 150 characters in length.
Log file name prefix:
This is the name of the log file. The default name is:
<ComputerName_UserDomain>. You can set this.
Maximum log file size:
To prevent log files from growing too large, new log files are created
when the current log file exceeds the specified size in MB. The default
file size in 1 megabyte. You can select a file size of up to ten
megabytes, in one-megabyte increments.
Defaults Click Defaults to set all settings on this tab to their defaults values.
This sets defaults only for the open tab.
Save your changes and close this window.
Log File Deletion Tab
The Log File Deletion tab lets you access the following settings:
Setting Description