User's Manual

802.1X Authentication Type
Displays None, EAP-SIM, TLS, TTLS, PEAP, LEAP, or
Security Overview for more
802.1X Authentication Protocol
Displays None, PAP, GTC, CHAP, MS-CHAP, MS-CHAP-
V2 or TLS. See Security Overview for more
CCX Version
Version of the Cisco Compatible Extensions on this
wireless connection.
Current Tx Power
The power level at which the WiFi adapter is currently
transmitting, in milliwatts.
Supported Power Levels
These are the power levels that the WiFi adapter is
capable of transmitting. This information is presented
in a range and is dependent on the adapter.
Access Point MAC Address
The Media Access Control (MAC) address for the
associated access point.
Mandatory Access Point
Displays None, if not enabled. If enabled, from the
Mandatory Access Point setting, the access point MAC
address is displayed. This option directs the WiFi
adapter to connect to an access point that uses a
specific MAC address (48-bit 12 hexadecimal digits, for
example, 00:06:25:0E:9D:84).
AP Name
The name of the access point. This name is set by the
person configuring the access point and is typically
limited to 32 characters.
NOTE: This parameter is only visible if IPv6 support is
installed on Windows* XP.
AP IPv4/IPv6 Address
The Interconnect Protocol address (IPv4 or IPv6) for
the access point. IPV6 is the next generation IP
address and is backward compatible and is designed
to fix data security problems with IPv4. IPv6 increases
the address space from 32 to 128 bits, providing for
an unlimited number of networks and systems. It also
supports quality of service (QoS) parameters for real-
time audio and video.
NOTE: This parameter is only visible when connected
to a Cisco Systems access point.