User's Manual

accessible by other users of a computer.
Administrator Profiles: If one or more profiles need to be shared among users on a computer, the
Administrator Tool must be installed to create Administrator profiles. For more information, see
Administrator Profiles .
Profiles List
The Profiles list displays a list of existing profiles. When you come in range of a wireless network, the WiFi
connection utility software scans the Profiles list to see if there is a match. If a match is found, you are
automatically connected to the network.
Profiles List Priority Arrows
Use the up-arrow to move the position of a selected profile up in the profiles list.
Use the down-arrow to move the position of a selected profile down in the profiles list.
Profile Icons
The network profile status icons indicate whether the adapter is associated with a network, the type of operating
mode being used, and whether security encryption is enabled. These icons display next to the profile name in the
Profiles list.