User's Manual

Table Of Contents
ekvivalent typ som rekommenderas av apparattillverkaren. Kassera använt batteri enligt
fabrikantens instruktion.
VAROITUS: Paristo voi räjähtää, jos se on virheellisesti asennettu. Vaihda paristo
ainoastaan valmistajan suosittelemaan tyyppiin. vitä käytetty paristo valmistajan
ohjeiden mukaisesti.
CAUTION: Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with
the same or equivalent type recommended by the equipment manufacturer.
used batteries according to manufacturer's instructions.
VORSICHT: Explosionsgefahr bei unsachgemäßem Austausch der Batterie. Ersatz nur
durch denselben oder einen vom Hersteller empfohlenen gleich-wertigen Typ.
Entsorgung gebrauchter Batterien nach Angaben des Herstellers.
ATTENTION: II y a danger d’explosion s’il y a remplacement incorrect de la batterie.
Remplacer uniquement avec une batterie du même type ou d’un type équivalent
recommandé par le constructeur. Mettre au rebut les batteries usagées conformément
aux instructions du fabricant.
Attention (for USA Users)
The product that you have purchased contains a rechargeable battery. The battery
is recyclable. At the end of its useful life, under various state and local laws, it
may be illegal to dispose of this battery into the municipal waste stream. Check
with your local solid waste officials for details in your area for recycling options or
proper disposal.
About the AC Adapter
Use only the AC adapter supplied with your computer. Use of another type of
AC adapter will result in malfunction and/or danger.
Do not use the AC adapter in a high moisture environment. Never touch it when
your hands or feet are wet.