User's Manual Part 2

7.1 Short message (SMS)
Writing a text message
1. Tap Start > Messaging > Text Messages > Inbox
2. Tap
Menu > New.
3. Tab
To to enter the number of your recipient, and tap
the blank content area to edit the message.
4. To access more editing options, tap
Menu. The
options inside enables you to:
Add Recipient.
● Use predened sentences in
My Text.
● Start
Spell Check of your text.
Check Names of your recipients.
Choose to accept deliver y notication by checking
R e q u e s t m e s s a g e d e l i v e r y n o t i f i c a t i o n i n
Message Options.
5. To save the message to the draft box, tap Menu >
Save to Draft.
4. To send the message, tap