User's Manual

COM ports
For example, when you purchase a Bluetooth
GPS-supported navigation soft ware; you can
register this device as an effective serial port by
following the instructions on the manual of that
product and the steps below:
Tap Start > Set tings > Connections tab >
Bluetooth > COM Ports tab. To register a new
serial port:
1. Tap New Incoming Port to enter setup screen.
2. Select a port to be set.
3. Select Finish
6.4 Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi is a type of wireless local area network
that communicates between two devices by high
frequency radio waves. Your O
2 Xda Stealth
supports Wireless LAN, which is IEEE 802.11b/g
compliant. It allows your device to connect to the
Internet with detected wireless network.
To activate Wi-Fi
1.Tap Star t > Settings > Connections tab >
Wireless Manager
2. Tap Wi-Fi to activate wireless network.
3. Tap Done to exit.
To check your Wi-Fi status
Tap Start > Settings > Connections tab > WiFi
Utility > Wi-Fi Status tab and you may see the
details of your phone’s wireless LAN connection,
including Status, ESSID, BSSID, BSS Mode
Channel, Data Rate, IP Address, and Signal
To configure Wi-Fi settings
Tap Start > Settings > Connections tab > WiFi
Utility > Setting tab and scroll to set the desired
value / mode f or the following setting items:
Adhoc Channel
, Preamble, Data Rate, Power
, Power strength, and Auto Power off. Tab
Set button to confirm your setting.
To update IP info
Tap Start > Settings > Connections tab > WiFi
Utility > IP Info tab > Renew or Ping button to
update IP information or locate the IP address of
the other device.
To search IP address
Tap Start > Settings > Connections tab
> Wi- Fi Utility > Site Survey tab > Re-scan
button to search the ESSID, Channel, RSSI, and
BSSID of the Wireless LAN.
To change IP address
1. Tap Start > Settings > Connections tab >
Wi-Fi > Network Adapters tab.
2. In My network card connects
to drop-down
list, tap either The Internet or Work. If you
are connecting to your ISP at home, tap The
Internet. If you are connecting to a private
network such as a corporate network at work,
tap Work
3. Ta p the app r o p r i ate ada p ter in Tap a n
ad ap ter to mo di f y setting s box.The IP
address will now appear in IP Address box
on IP Address tab.
4. To change TCP/IP set tings if your ISP or
private network does not use dynamically-
assigned IP addresses, tap Use specic IP
address and enter the requested information.
Contact your ISP or network administrator to
get the IP address, Subnet mask, and/or
Default gateway (if needed).
5. To change DNS and WINS settings if your ISP
or private network does not use dynamically-
assigned IP addresses, tap Name Servers
tab and enter the requested information.
Servers that require an assigned IP address
may also require a way to map computer
names to IP address. DNS and WINS are the
resolution options supported on your O
2 Xda
Getting started