User's Manual

Chapter 8 Multimedia
8.1 Camera
You may use camera function in your O2 Xda Stealth to capture important moments.
Tap Start
> Programs > Camera, or press and hold Camera key at standby mode to launch camera.
Capture mode
During capture mode, you can tap the icons on the top of the screen to switch through different
modes, or tap
to open the full camera options menu. To switch to Video mode, simply press the
center navigation key or tap
to enter the video standby mode.
No Icon Function Description
1 Image Mode
Includes the following modes: Auto (default) / Day /
Cloudy / Fluorescent and Night
2 Image Size
You can choose among:1600 x 1200 (default) / 1280 x
960 / 800 x 600 / 640 x 480 / 320 x 240 / 160 x 120
3 Image Quality Normal (default), Fine, Low.
4 Flash Light Auto (default), On, Off.
5 Sequential Shot 18,12,6,3,Off (default)
6 Shutter Sound On (default), Off
7 Zoom
Zoom Range: 1.0x (default) / 1.2x / 1.4x / 1.6x / 1.8x /
2.0x / 2.2x / 2.4x
Getting started