User's Manual

4.10 Downloading Attendant data
The TR320 saves the attendance data onto its internal flash memory using a so-called delimited text format.
With delimited text format, fields within a record are separated by a TAB character (tabulation, ASCII= 09
Hex) while records are separated from each other by CR (Carriage Return, ASCII= OD Hex) and LF (Line
Feed, ASCII= 0A Hex) characters.
Each TR4050’s record consists of the following fields:
Field Length Format
Event 1 “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”
Date 10 “DD-MM-YYYY”
Time 8 “hh:mm:ss”
ID-code 10 “’XX…X”, apostrophe is added to make sure that
this field is treated as a string by applications like
Microsoft Excel.
Shift 2 “SS”, can be in the range from 01 to 99.
Machine No 4 “NNNN” can be in the range from 0000 to 9999.