
GA-8EGXRP Series Motherboard
} CPU_FAN1/2/3/4 / SYS_FAN1/2/3/4 Buzzer Alarm
When this function is enabled, system will alarm when CPU FAN1/2/3/4 stop.
8Enabled Enable CPU FAN1/2/3/4 buzzer alarm.
8Disabled Disable this function.
} VCC_P Buzzer Alarm
Enable this function is protecting the system voltage is under the set value. System will alarm
when the voltage is over the set value.
8Enabled Enable VCC_P buzzer alarm.
8Disabled Disable this function.
} Case Open Alarm
This option allows user to set the case open alarm by physical warning alert. Once the chassis
is opened, the system will rise warning beep to alarm user to close the case properly.
8Enabled Enable Case Open alarm.
8Disabled Disable this function.
} Case Status
This item displays the status of system case.
} Reset Case Open Status
This function provides user to stop the case open warning beep. Once the case is opened, the
system will rise waring alert.To stop the beep, user is required to enter the setup menu and rest
the case open status to Yes option.