User Manual

3. Software Installation
Notice the following guidelines before installing the drivers:
1. First make sure your system has installed DirectX 11 or later version.
2. Make sure your system has installed the appropriate motherboard drivers
(For the motherboard drivers, please contact the motherboard
Notice : The photos in this manual are for reference only and may not match
what you exactly see on your screen
3.1. Driver and Utility Installation
3.1.1. Driver and XTREME ENGINE Installation
After installing the operating system, insert the
driver disk into your optical drive. The driver
Autorun screen is automatically displayed which
looks like that shown in the screen shot on the right.
(If the driver Autorun screen does not appear
automatically, go to My Computer, double-click the
optical drive and execute the setup.exe program.)
Step 1:
Choose Express Install to
install driver and XTREME
ENGINE at once, or Customize
Install to install them
Then click the Install item.