User`s manual

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Display Ratio: You can adjust your display ratio when you move your mouse cursor to
the arrow at the -as you click on the Display Ratio function icon on the interface.
Free: The initial ratio when you start VIVO
and you can adjust it by dragging the edge
of the VIVO
Base On Source: The display ratio will be based on the signal source.
Apply To All Channels: If you select this option, the adjusted display ratio will be applied
to all of your available channels.
Preview Window: You can change your TV viewing screen to Full Screen, Sizable
Screen or Borderless Screen.
Channel List Type: There are two types of Channel List Type – Normal or My Favorite.
You can select which type to load your channel list. It is the same as you do in the
Channel Setting page. The default is Normal.
Channel List: Displays your available channels. It’s the same as you open the Channel