User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Setting the phone with the PC
Gigaset A580 IP / US English / A31008-xxxx-xxxx-x-xxxx / / 24.04.2009
Version 8, 03.09.2008
Entering numbers
¤ Enter the network mailbox number in the Call number column after the
desired connection.
With some VoIP providers your mailbox number will be downloaded
together with the general VoIP provider data (
Page 109), saved to your
base station and displayed under
Call number.
¤ Select
Set to save your settings.
Activating/deactivating the network mailbox
¤ You can activate ( ) and deactivate ( ) individual network mailboxes
using the option in the
Active column. Activating/deactivating is carried out
by selecting the appropriate option. The change does not need to be saved.
Setting DTMF signaling for VoIP
DTMF signaling, for example, is required to check and control some network
mailboxes via digit codes.
To send DTMF signals via VoIP you must first define how key codes should be
converted into and sent as DTMF signals: as audible information via the speech
channel or as a "SIP Info" message.
Ask your VoIP provider which type of DTMF transmission it supports.
¤ Open the following Web page:
Settings ¢ Telephony ¢ Advanced Settings.
DTMF over VoIP connections
Make the required settings for sending DTMF signals.
¤ Activate
Audio or RFC 2833, if DTMF signals are to be transmitted acoustically
(in voice packets).
¤ Activate
SIP Info if DTMF signals are to be transmitted as code.
¤ Select
Set to save your settings.
Please note
You need to have requested the network mailbox for your fixed line network
connection from your fixed line network provider.
Please note
u The settings for DTMF signaling apply to all VoIP connections (VoIP
u DTMF signals cannot be transmitted in the audio path (
Audio) on broadband
connections (the G.722 codec is used).