User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Gigaset A580 IP / US English / A31008-xxxx-xxxx-x-xxxx / / 24.04.2009
Version 8, 03.09.2008
Headset Combination of microphone and headphone. A headset makes handsfree talk-
ing more convenient. There are headsets available that can be connected to the
handset by a cable.
HTTP Proxy
Server via which the Network subscribers can process their Internet traffic.
Hub Uses one Infrastructure network to connect several Network subscribers.
All data sent to the hub by one network subscriber is forwarded to all network
Gateway, Router.
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
International body that defines standards in electronics and electro-technol-
ogy, concerned in particular with the standardization of LAN technology, trans-
mission protocols, data transfer rate and wiring.
Infrastructure network
Network with central structure: All Network subscribers communicate via a
central Router.
Instant messaging
Service that uses a client program to allow chatting in real time, i.e. to send
brief messages to other subscribers on the Internet.
Internet Global WAN. A series of protocols have been defined for exchanging data,
known by the name TCP/IP.
Network subscriber is identifiable via his IP address. DNS assigns a
Domain name to the IP address.
Important services on the Internet include the World Wide Web (WWW), e-mail,
file transfer and discussion forums.
Internet Service Provider
Enables access to the Internet for a fee.
IP (Internet Protocol)
TCP/IP protocol on the Internet. IP is responsible for addressing subscribers in
a Network using IP addresses and transfers data from the sender to the recip-
ient. IP determines the paths (routing) along which the data packets travel.