User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Making calls
Selecting a connection at each call
Requirement: "Select at each call" has been
assigned to the base instead of a send con-
(¢ page 128).
~c Enter the number and pick up
the receiver. The list of all the
base's connections is displayed.
q Select a connection.
§Dial§ / w Press the display key or the mid-
dle of the control key.
If a dialling plan has been defined for the
dialled phone number (see Web configura-
tor), then the send connection specified in
the dialling plan is used.
Using an alternative connection/
connection list on the display/function
Prerequisite: You have assigned an "alterna-
tive connection" or the list with all config-
ured connections to a display key or func-
tion key
¢ page 116).
§Sel. Line§ Press the display or function
q Select a line.
c /
§Dial§ Pick up the receiver or press the
display key.
§Dial§ to activate handsfree
mode on the base (open listen-
page 56).
~ Enter a number. The number is
dialled approximately
3.5 seconds after the last digit is
Any dialling plan that has been defined for
the dialled phone number (see Web config-
urator) is ignored. The selected send con-
nection is always used.
Calling an IP address
You can also dial an IP address instead of a
phone number using VoIP.
¤ Press the star key * to separate the sec-
tions of the IP address
(e.g., 149*246*122*28).
¤ If necessary, press the hash #key to
attach the SIP port number of the person
you are calling to the IP address (e.g.,
If your VoIP provider does not support the
choice of IP addresses, each part of the
address will be interpreted as a normal
phone number.
Dialling emergency numbers
Dialling plans for emergency numbers
(e.g., the local police emergency number)
are preset on the base for certain countries.
Emergency calls are then always made via
the fixed line.
However, you can change the connection
through which each emergency number
should be called (e.g., if the phone is not
connected to the fixed line). You must make
sure, however, that the VoIP provider for the
selected connection supports emergency
numbers. If the VoIP connection is deleted
from the configuration, the emergency call
can no longer be made.
Please note
u You can use the red end key
T to
cancel the dialling operation.
u You are shown the duration of the call
while the call is in progress.
u If the call costs are to be transferred,
these are displayed instead of the call
duration for calls made via the con-
u Dialling with the directory
(page 69)
or call and redial list
(page 65) saves
you from repeatedly keying in phone
u If you have handsets registered to the
base, you can make internal calls free
of charge
(page 105).