User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Using directories
Searching for an entry
Prerequisite: You have opened the online
directory/classified directory.
¤ You can enter data in the following fields:
Last Name: (online directory) or
Category/Name: (classified directory)
Enter the name, part of a
name or the business type
(max. 30 characters).
City: Enter the name of the town/city
in which the party you are
searching for lives (max.
30 characters).
If you have already completed a
search, the last names of the
towns/cities you entered are
displayed (maximum of five).
You can enter a new name or
select one of the city names dis-
played using s and confirm
Number: Enter the number
(max. 30 characters).
¤ Press the display key
§Search§ or w to start
the search.
You must make an entry in either Last Name
or Category/Name: and in City or in
Number. Searching by number is only possi-
ble if supported by the online directory you
have selected. For instructions on entering
text see
page 149.
A list of the towns/cities found is displayed if
the search returns more than one result:
q Select the town/city.
If the name of a town/city is
longer than one line, it is abbre-
viated. Select
§View§ to view the
complete name.
If no matching town/city is
found: Press
§Change§ to change
the search criteria. The entries
for Category/Name and City are
copied and you can change
§Search§ Press the display key to con-
tinue the search.
A corresponding message will appear on the
display if no party is found to match the
search criteria. You have the following
¤ Press the display key
§New§ to start a new
¤ Press the display key
§Change§ to change
the search criteria. The name and town/
city are copied over and you can change
No hits are displayed if the list of hits is too
large. A message to this effect is displayed.
¤ Press the display key
§Detail§ to start a
refined search
¢ page 76).
¤ Depending on the provider, you can view
the list if the number of hits is shown on
the display. Press the display key
Search result (hit list)
The search result is shown as a list on the dis-
play. Example:
1. 2/50: Consecutive number/total number of
hits (only the consecutive number is dis-
played if the total number of hits >99).
2. Four lines including party's name, business
type, telephone number and address (possi-
bly abbreviated). If a fixed line number is not
available, the mobile number (if available) is
Net Directory 2/50
Sand, Marie Elisabe ...
Parkstraße 11
Berlin 12345, Germany
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