User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Operating the base's answering machine
Recording a personal
announcement/advisory message
The base is supplied with pre-recorded
announcements for answer and record
mode and for answer only mode. If a per-
sonal announcement has not been
recorded, the relevant pre-recorded
announcement is used.
You can record your own personal
announcement for answer and record mode
and answer only mode for each answering
¢ Announcements
¢ Record Announcemnt. /
Record Advisory Msg.
q If necessary, select answering
machine and press
§OK§ Press the display key to start the
If you have not picked up the receiver,
handsfree mode is activated.
You hear the ready tone (short tone).
¤ Now say your announcement (at least
3 seconds).
§End§ Press the display key to end the
Use &, the red end key Tor §Back§ to
cancel recording and §OK§ to restart the
recording process.
After recording, the announcement is
played back for you to check. You can re-
record the announcement with
Please note:
u Recording ends automatically if the max-
imum recording time of 170 seconds is
exceeded or there is a break in speech for
more than 2 seconds.
u If you cancel the recording, the default
announcement is used.
u The recording is not started or cancelled
if the answering machine memory is full.
¤ Delete old messages and the answer-
ing machine will automatically switch
back to Answer & Record mode.
¤ Repeat recording if required.
Playing back announcements
v ¢
¢ Announcements
¢ Play Announcement /
Play Advisory Message
q If necessary, select answering
machine and press
If you have not recorded a personal
announcement, the relevant pre-recorded
announcement is played.
Use &, the red end key
§Back§ to
stop playback.
Record a new announcement while playing
the announcement:
§New§ Press the display key.
If the answering machine's memory is full, it
will switch to Answer only mode.
¤ Delete old messages and the answering
machine will automatically switch back
to Answer & Record mode. Repeat
recording if required.
Please note
You can use the base to manage the
announcements for all answering
machines with at least one receive con-
nection assigned. A registered handset
can only manage answering machines
that have at least one common receive
connection with the handset.