Operation Manual

Gigaset DE700 IP PRO / en / A31008-M2211-R101-5-7619 / lists+directories.fm / 13.09.2012
PRO Version 3, 30.05.2012
Using directories
Using online directories
Online directories are available on the Internet. You can:
u Use public online directories that are available on the Internet, such as KlickTel or the Yel-
low Pages and
u Create a personal online directory if your provider permits this.
Select which public online directory you want to use via the Web configurator (
page 150).
u White Pages
a public directory provided on the Internet
u Yel low Pages
yellow pages provided on the Internet
u Private NetDirectory
Some providers offer users the option of creating and managing a personal online direc-
tory on the Internet.
You can use the personal online directory on your phone.
You enter the data for the provider of your personal online directory in the Web config-
urator (
page 150)
You must create and manage your personal online directory using your PC's Web
Opening a online directory
You can open a online directory in idle status via the display menu
Name of directory
Select the required public or private online directory. The directory name depends on the set-
tings for the directory in the Web configurator. It can be the name the provider uses for their
directory or a name you have chosen yourself.