User's Manual

EK-MFR/1 Arch.2573
Rev. E of 22/06/2007
Sh. 16 of 35
Eurotek s.r.l.
The next example explains how to set the Power Loops modality.
We suppose to have loaded the EK-MFR/1 with the boards represented in the following figure
Slot 0: Empty
Slot 1: EK-CDC/1 (MPEG2 codec)
Slot 2: Empty
Slot 3: EK-CDP/1 (coaxial adapter)
Slot 4: EK-UNM/1 (modem)
Slot 5: Empty
We analyze the setting of every single menu of the Power Loops supposing of working with the
QPSK modulations to obtain a back-off of 4 db relating the saturate power (0 db) of the transmitter
SHF connected to EK-MFR/1 by the EK-CDP/1 board.
1. >>>Source1 = slot3: indicates where reading the saturate power
2. >>>Target1 = slot4: indicates where setting the IF power level in order to obtain the back-
off planned (EK-UNM/1)
3. >>>P Goal1 = -4db : indicates the back-off level to be obtained
4. >>>Enable1 = yes : the loop 1 function is enabled
Now an independent program of EK-MFR/1 will try to keep the power of the transmitter (EK-
CDP/1) constant in according to the power of the modulator (EK-UNM/1).