User's Manual

To disable the RF Power Amplifier the C and are held pressed as the RFX-CMT is
switched on.
6.3.2 The Receiving Equipment
The transmitter may operate in conjunction with a variety of RF Central receivers, including
When used with the RFX-CMT transmitter the receiving equipment produces two audio
channels, analogue (mono), and one (stereo) AES3; - the third and fourth audios are non-
functioning when used with the. Video outputs include SDI and composite video outputs,
later RF Central receivers also have an ASI output. If extension cables are necessary,
ensure that the connectors are compatible and of good quality to avoid problems at site.
Check that the receiving antenna/Receiver interfaces are clean and free from dust and other
unwanted materials.
If tripods are to be used to mount the equipment, make sure that some means of securing the
tripod or of weighting it down is provided. Gusty wind conditions may put installations at risk,
particularly when parabolic antenna dishes are to be used.
Make sure that all batteries, if used, are fully charged and whenever possible, provide a spare
with the cable to connect it to the Receiver.
Check that the Receiver channel frequencies are compatible with those of the RFX-CMT
Transmitter and set the channel selector switch to the channel number required. The
Receiver is labeled with channel number and frequency information. As a precaution, set the
manually selectable frequency of the Receiver to the working frequency.
With Two Box receivers the Receiver Head and Control units may be operated at distances
up to 600 meters apart. RF Central triax cable is supplied in standard lengths of 100 and 200
meters and will plug together to create the lengths required. Check that the necessary
lengths of triax interconnecting cable are available and that the cable and cable connectors
are in serviceable condition.
Whenever practical, set up the system and trial it before leaving for site to ensure that
all components of the system are working. Checking at base, where adjustments and
corrective actions can be made, will pay off when setting up at site.
RFX-PHT/CMT Issue 1.1 Page 25 of 33