User Manual

If you have console or other way of moving the channel you are adjusting,
you will probably not use this feature and use the console instead.
The keys are used as follows:
ʻ-ʼ)!sets the ʻforcedʼ position value to zero (a 2nd time clears ʻforcedʼ)
ʻ+ʼ or ʻ=ʼ)!sets the ʻforcedʼ position value to 100%
2) decrements the ʻforcedʼ position value
5) sets the ʻforcedʼ position value to 128 (50%)
8) increments the ʻforcedʼ position value
When you are satisfied with your adjustments, just hit the <Carriage Re-
turn>. If you donʼt want to save your settings, hit the <ESC>ape key to re-
store the original values.
Q) Force Outputs to a Value:
This command is used to force an output to any value. This value can be
written into EEprom Memory so that the output will never leave this value,
even after the Br-ANA is reset. It can be used to 'lock down' a movement
that has malfunctioned or needs to be positioned for servicing or adjustment.
Any outputs which have been forced will be displayed in the 'Forced Output'
column on the display.
Only the on-board 0-10 volt analog outputs can be forced. A new output
address will be requested if the currently selected 'Output to Test & Adjust' is
not one of the on-board ones.
T) Power On Defaults:
The Power On defaults are used by the Br-ANA only if there is no Auto-
Download file found. If there is a AutoDownload file on the Sd/SdHC flash
card in the Br-ANA, the first frame of the first show will automatically be
loaded at power up. The power On defaults will have no effect.
This command allows you to set the value that will be output on any one
of the 256 possible output addresses. This value will be sent out when the
Br-ANA is first powered up. This command gives you the option of:
a)!Capturing the current value as the default value for the currently se-
lected output.
b)!Capturing the current values as the default value for all outputs.
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-ANA Manual / December 18, 2012 10:21 AM / page 40 of 60