User guide

external source of power for these two inputs, you can ʻstealʼ some juice from the Br-
miniBrick8ʼs power supply connections.
Power Supply:
The Br-MiniBrick8 will run on any voltage from 9 through 24 VDC. Whatever volt-
age you use will also be used to run the relays, valves and whatever you will be control-
ling. If you are controlling 24 VDC loads, you will want to use a 24 VDC power supply.
For 12 volt loads, use a 12 VDC supply. The Br-MiniBrick8 itself uses very little current.
Size your power supply so it will provide enough current to run all of your loads.
You can supply the power to the Br-miniBrick8 through
the 2.1 mm power jack, or through the screw terminals.
These connections are paralleled internally.
The power supply connection is protected from re-
verse polarity connections. An idle Br-miniBrick8 draws
only about twenty-five milliamperes. It can run for up to a
day on just a single nine volt battery even when it is run-
ning. The loads that the Br-miniBrick8 is controlling will
usually draw far more current than the Br-miniBrick8 it-
ServoMotor Power Supply:
If you are using airplane-style ServoMotors with the
Br-MiniBrick8, you will need to provide a separate power
supply for your ServoMotors. Most ServoMotors will need
a power supply with a voltage rating of somewhere be-
tween four and six volts DC. Five volts DC is typical. You
should allow about an amp of current supply for each
typical ServoMotor motor being controlled. Larger Ser-
voMotors may need a larger power supply.
The ServoMotor power input will accept any voltage up to 24 vdc, but this would fry
most ServoMotors. The ServoMotor power is attached directly to the two ServoMotor
connectors on the Br-miniBrick8. The Br-miniBrick8 makes no other use of the Ser-
voMotor power.
ServoMotor Outputs:
Each Br-miniBrick8 has two outputs which can be used to control up to two model
airplane-style ServoMotors. To use these outputs, just plug in the ServoMotors and ap-
ply the appropriate voltage to the ServoMotor Power input (typically 5 vdc at 2 amps).
The two ServoMotors will be addressed with with the second and third channels of
data that the Br-miniBrick8 receives. With a typical base address of ʻ0ʼ, the first Ser-
voMotor will be addressed at ʻ1ʼ, and the second ServoMotor will be addressed at ʻ2ʼ.
The default pulse width on the Br-miniBrick8 is 1 to 2 ms. With most servoMotors,
this will rotate the shaft about 90º. The retract position and fully extended (maximum)
can be adjusted on the Br-miniBrick8 to give most ServoMotors the ability to rotate ap-
proximately 180º. See the Configuration Menu for instructions on adjusting the retract
position and fully extended (maximum) position of the ServoMotor outputs. Each Ser-
voMotor output can be adjusted individually.
The Br-miniBrick8ʼs case will make it difficult to plug in most ServoMotors back-
wards, but not all brands of ServoMotors use the same polarization ʻbumpsʼ on their
connectors. If your ServoMotors donʼt have polarizing ʻbumpsʼ, then use the color code
Gilderfluke & Co. 205 South Flower Street Burbank, California 91502 818/840-9484 800/776-5972 fax 818/840-9485
Br-miniBrick8 v3.+ Manual / 8/17/12 / page 7 of 36
1 2 3
+ +
4 5 6 7
1/4 J6
Go Data
- in +
9–24 vdc
1 2
Gilderfluke & Company
Burbank, California
Servo Power Supply
(5 volts typically)
Main Power Supply
(9 to 24 volts)