User guide

START or LOOP command. If a show is currently ʻloopingʼ, the requested show will be
played at the end of the next ʻloopʼ.
If a show selection has been made inadvertently, it can be cleared by sending a re-
quest for show number ʻ00ʼ.
Pause Show ʻ<00ʼ
Continue Show ʻ>00ʼ
These commands are available ONLY firmware revisions 3.07 and later of the Br-
Any show can be paused at any point during its playback. The outputs are frozen at
the levels they were at the instant the PAUSE command is received.
The CONTINUE command will resume playing any show playing which has previ-
ously been PAUSED.
Gilderfluke & Co. 205 South Flower Street Burbank, California 91502 818/840-9484 800/776-5972 fax 818/840-9485
Br-miniBrick8 v3.+ Manual / 8/17/12 / page 16 of 36