User guide

Changing the channels you selected........! 23
Another way to change the channels you selected........! 23
Changing the amount of time selected........! 23
Modifying digitals with a right mouse click........! 23
Modifying analogs with a right mouse click........! 24
Cut, Copy and Paste, just like a word processor........! 24
Paste something a bunch of times........! 24
Cut, Copy and Paste to a file........! 24
Reverse events in time........! 24
Stretch and compress time........! 25
Adding and subtracting time........! 25
Generating a ramp between two points........! 25
More ways to modify a digital channel........! 25
More ways to modify an analog channel........! 25
Save your show (again)........! 26
AutoDownload your show........! 26
Programming a Br-miniBrick8 with a RealTime License! 27
Register your PC•MACs Software........! 27
Install MACs USB RealTime Dongle........! 27
Select the serial port........! 28
Plug in the Bricks........! 28
Assigning programming console inputs........! 28
Trying out your outputs........! 29
Saving console presets........! 29
Recording in RealTime........! 29
Playing it back........! 29
Saving your show (again)........! 30
One step forward, three steps back........! 30
Editing your show........! 30
Reviewing the changes you have made........! 30
Changing the playback start point........! 30
Single Step Playback........! 31
Save your show (again)........! 31
AutoDownload your show........! 31
AutoDownloading Your Shows to your Br-miniBrick8! 32
Select the serial port........! 32
Downloading to the Bricks........! 32
Plug in the Bricks........! 32
Reset the Br-miniBrick8........! 32
Choose the shows to go into the Br-miniBrick8........! 32
How many channels to send to the Bricks?........! 33
Where to send the file........! 33
What will happen when the Brick is powered up?........! 33
What will happen on each Brick input?........! 33
What will happen at the end of each show?........! 34
Do the deed........! 34
Enjoy the results........! 34
Did it all fit?........! 34
Rinse and repeat........! 34
FCC and CE Compliance:! 35
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-miniBrick8 v3.+ Manual / 8/17/12