
so you can verify all the commands you are issuing are being re-
ceived correctly (the ‘echo’ responses are shown in
If you send “a00”, the echo mode will be turned ON:
card 00h/__0, echo mode on
If you send “*03” to request a specific show:
card 00h/__0, requested show 03h/__3 CHEEBURG
If you send “t00” to start the requested show playing on a specific
card 00h/__0, starting show 03h/__3 CHEEBURG
If you send “!00” to start a show looping on a specific card:
card 00h/__0, looping show 04h/__4 FRUTCAKE
If you send “u” to stop a show playing:
card 00h/__0, stopped show 05h/__5 IGETARND
If you send “u” to stop a card that is already stopped, it will give
you an error message:
card 00h/__0, error: not playing or looping 05h/__5 IGETARND
Similar error messages will be returned whenever you ask the card
to do something that it can not do at the current time.
The ‘Echo OFF’ command will turn off the echo mode on all
the cards in the system.
“i” [nn] (card address) Card Status:
When the BR-MultiBrick32 receives this command, it will re-
spond with the following information:
a) Gilderfluke & Company, product name, Firmware revision
number and copyright.
b) Card serial address and if the Flash is write protected.
c) Amount of Flash memory installed.
d) Whether or not the Flash memory is enabled for writing.
e) If it is operating as a 'Smart' Brick:
1) The frame number currently being accessed by the
'Smart' Brick Network.
f) If it is operating as a ‘Dumb’ Brick:
GILDERFLUKE & CO .205 SOUTH FLOWER STREET BURBANK , CALIFORNIA 91502 818/840-9484 800/776-5972 FAX 818/840-9485
AST COAST /FLORIDA OFFICE 7041 GRAND NATIONAL DRIVE SUITE 128d ORLANDO , FL. 32819 407/354-5954 FAX 407/354-5955
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