
1) Whether the card is running, stopped, looping or
2) The current status of the four optically isolated inputs.
g) Information on the currently loaded AutoDownload file:
1) AutoDownload file name (in DOS 8.3 format).
2) Number of channels in the AutoDownload file.
3) Number of shows in the AutoDownload file.
4) AutoDownload file Header information.
5) Individual show information with
a) Show number in the AutoDownload file.
b) The offset to the start of the show data.
c) How long the show is (in frames).
d) The show flag (which sets frame rate and step-
e) Which show is defined as ‘next’. If no specific
show number as entered, a ‘00’ means ‘what-
ever is next in list’.
f) The name of the show (in DOS 8.3 format).
The following shows a BR-MultiBrick32 information status response for a
card which is operating as a 'Smart' Brick:
Gilderfluke & Co. MultiBrick32
firmware revision 2.10
copyright 2002 DCM
Card addressed at 01h/__1
4 Mbits (512KBytes) memory installed
Writing to Flash is Enabled
Smart Brick @ frame 00D86h/___3462
AutoDownload FileName: TEST.A00
Number of channels: 04h/__4
Number of shows: 06h/__6
00 B0 A1 01 04 06 01 01 08 00 01 00 04 00 01 00 08 01 01 00 20 04 40 00
01h/__1 st:00000h/______0 len:0122Ah/___4650 fl:EDh nxt:01h/__1 KOKIMO.SHO
02h/__2 st:0122Ah/___4650 len:01374h/___4980 fl:CDh nxt:00h/__0 MARGVILL.SHO
03h/__3 st:0259Eh/___9630 len:01248h/___4680 fl:CDh nxt:00h/__0 CHEEBURG.SHO
04h/__4 st:037E6h/__14310 len:0122Ah/___4650 fl:CDh nxt:00h/__0 FRUTCAKE.SHO
05h/__5 st:04A10h/__18960 len:00EA6h/___3750 fl:CDh nxt:00h/__0 IGETARND.SHO
06h/__6 st:058B6h/__22710 len:00F96h/___3990 fl:CDh nxt:00h/__0 409.SHO
(Sample data: Your show data will differ from what is shown.)
The status screen is a snapshot image of the current status of
the BR-MultiBrick32. If you want to update the status information
displayed, you must hit the ‘Card Status’ command a second
GILDERFLUKE & CO .205 SOUTH FLOWER STREET BURBANK , CALIFORNIA 91502 818/840-9484 800/776-5972 FAX 818/840-9485
AST COAST /FLORIDA OFFICE 7041 GRAND NATIONAL DRIVE SUITE 128d ORLANDO , FL. 32819 407/354-5954 FAX 407/354-5955
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