
BR-MultiBrick32 Hardware Configuration
BR-MultiBrick32 hardware configuration is done using a pair of address
switches, an eight position DipSwitch, and two slide switches:
a) Address: These two rotary switches on the front of the BR-
MultiBrick32 are used to set the RS-422 serial port address where
this card will be found. Normally, only one BR-MultiBrick32 card is
set to use any one address. If more than one card is set to the
same address, then only one card should have the ‘Record En-
able’ turned on at one time. BR-MultiBrick32 cards after revision
2.0 don’t have a Record Enable’ switch, so shouldn’t be set to
the same addresses if they are on the same multidrop RS-422 se-
rial port network.
The RS-422 serial address for the BR-MultiBrick32 is set using
Hexadecimal numbers on these switches. The first digit of the Hex-
adecimal address is set on the upper of the two switches. The
second digit of the hexadecimal address is set on the lower of the
two switches. If you are not sure how these translate from decimal
numbers, a chart at the end of every Gilderfluke & Company
manual will show you the equivalent numbers.
b) Record Enable (Revision 1.nn Cards Only): Pressing this switch
on pre- 2.0 revision cards turns off the DMX-512 and 'Smart' Brick
Network for this card and enables the RS-422 Serial Port. This must
be done to talk to the BR-MultiBrick32 through the serial port, or to
download shows to it from PCMACs.
Pressing this button a second time or powering the BR-
MultiBrick32 down and then back up again will reset the card to
normal operation.
BR-MultiBrick32 cards after revision 2.00 don’t have a Record
Enable’ switch. The RS-422 serial port, DMX-512 port and BrickNet
is active at all times for receiving AutoDownload files, RealTime
updates, and commands.
c) Eight Position Dipswitch: This is used as follows:
1) DMX-512 Forever!: When this switch is ON, the BR-
MultiBrick32 will only use the RealTime data received
through the DMX-512 port or RS-422 serial port for updating
its outputs. It will never use data from the onboard Flash
memory for output information. This is used if you will ONLY
be using the BR-MultiBrick32 as a DMX-512 (or serially) con-
trolled card.
GILDERFLUKE & CO .205 SOUTH FLOWER STREET BURBANK , CALIFORNIA 91502 818/840-9484 800/776-5972 FAX 818/840-9485
AST COAST /FLORIDA OFFICE 7041 GRAND NATIONAL DRIVE SUITE 128d ORLANDO , FL. 32819 407/354-5954 FAX 407/354-5955
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