
Gilderfluke & Co. MultiBrick32
firmware revision 2.10
copyright 2002 DCM
Card addressed at 00h/__0
4 Mbits (512KBytes) memory installed
Writing to Flash is Enabled
Input A/Green now Open
Input B/Red now Open
Input C/Blue now Open
Input D/White now Open
Dumb Brick show 01h/__1 KOKIMO looping @ frame 00F27h/___3879
AutoDownload FileName: TEST.A00
Number of channels: 04h/__4
Number of shows: 06h/__6
00 B0 A1 01 04 06 01 01 08 00 01 00 04 00 01 00 08 01 01 00 20 04 40 00
01h/__1 st:00000h/______0 len:0122Ah/___4650 fl:EDh nxt:01h/__1 KOKIMO.SHO
02h/__2 st:0122Ah/___4650 len:01374h/___4980 fl:CDh nxt:00h/__0 MARGVILL.SHO
03h/__3 st:0259Eh/___9630 len:01248h/___4680 fl:CDh nxt:00h/__0 CHEEBURG.SHO
04h/__4 st:037E6h/__14310 len:0122Ah/___4650 fl:CDh nxt:00h/__0 FRUTCAKE.SHO
05h/__5 st:04A10h/__18960 len:00EA6h/___3750 fl:CDh nxt:00h/__0 IGETARND.SHO
06h/__6 st:058B6h/__22710 len:00F96h/___3990 fl:CDh nxt:00h/__0 409.SHO
e) stop at End
l) Loop a show
p) Play a show
s) Stop playing
v) Verify flash
x) Exit configuration
Enter Command-
(Sample data: Your show data will differ from what is shown.)
GILDERFLUKE & CO .205 SOUTH FLOWER STREET BURBANK , CALIFORNIA 91502 818/840-9484 800/776-5972 FAX 818/840-9485
AST COAST /FLORIDA OFFICE 7041 GRAND NATIONAL DRIVE SUITE 128d ORLANDO , FL. 32819 407/354-5954 FAX 407/354-5955
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