
uses the show data stored in the AutoDownload file
on the SmartMedia Flash Card to update its out-
puts at the appropriate frame rate.
The animation sequence which is to be used on
the BR-SmartMedia is usually generated on a
PCMACs Animation Control System. During pro-
gramming, the DMX-512 input or RealTime up-
dates through RS-422 serial port can be used so
that you can see the animation sequence as it is
programmed. Once programming is completed
and your show(s) saved to disk, the data is down-
loaded to the SmartMedia onboard the BR-
SmartMedia through the serial port.
2) BR-SmartMedia as a 'Smart' Brick: Switch #4 must
be in the ‘Smart’ Brick position to operate as a
‘Smart’ Brick. There should never be both ‘Smart’
and ‘Dumb’ Bricks in the same card cage.
Damage may result if there are.
A ‘Smart’ Brick system is used when you need to
synchronize any number of ‘Bricks’ together on a
‘Smart’ Brick Network under the control of a single
‘Smart’ Brick Brain. The Brain itself allows shows to be
triggered at specific times of the day using a real
time clock and the Brains’ 365 day schedule, and
locked (synchronized) to Smpte time code,
LaserDisks and DVDs, or the Brains’ own internal or
external clock. A single Brain and ‘SmartBrick net-
work can run a single time line at one time.
This BR-SmartMedia acts just like any other
Playback-Only 'Smart' Brick, playing animation
data from a the AutoDownload file on the
SmartMedia Flash Card. As a 'Smart' Brick, it re-
quires a 'Smart' Brick Brain to run. The 'Smart' Brick
GILDERFLUKE & CO .205 SOUTH FLOWER STREET BURBANK , CALIFORNIA 91502 818/840-9484 800/776-5972 FAX 818/840-9485
AST COAST /FLORIDA OFFICE 7041 GRAND NATIONAL DRIVE SUITE 128d ORLANDO , FL. 32819 407/354-5954 FAX 407/354-5955
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